Scope and Goals

MBJ global is a Media, Broadcasting and Journalists Community of Experts working in the fields of RISK, covering press, TV, radio, online media, magazine media and other audio/audiovisual producers that work active especially in
        • Disaster Risk (UNDRR SENDAI Framework 1)
        • Migration and Refugees
        • Environmental- / Sustainability Risk (UN Sustainable Development Goals 2)
        • Climate Risk (UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 3)
        • Urban Risk (UN HABITAT New Urban Agenda 4)
        • Technical Risk (EU SEVESO Directive 5)
        • CBRN-E – Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Substances and Explosives Risk6
        • Cultural Heritage at Risk 7
MBJ global  Special Role is in knowledge sharing and communication, clarifying contents and consequences of decisions and actions, indicating on deficits, mediating opinions as well as making RISK actors / stakeholders cognizant of contexts, nuances, history and (local) cultures as well as of fundamental cultural values.
MBJ global also acts in support of disaster survivors, workers and volunteers to report critical gaps in disaster prevention, response, relief, and recovery services or planning.
Special attention if given to those aspects that broadly enlarged the overall scope of the UN SENDAI Framework (2015-2030) in conjunction with adjacent UN Instruments (transnational/global Declarations, Conventions, Treaties, Frameworks and Directives)
MBJ global also reaches out to other domains of UN programs and institutions: IGF Internet Governance Forum, WSIS World Summit on the Information Society.
MBJ global  has a very important role  in avoiding reductive, one-dimensional representation of stakeholders/society in RISK situations.
All UN instruments as well as national and multi-national agreements and regulations address all phases of RISK situation: preparedness, first-aid, post-disaster and more.
The paradigm change we observe is from RISK-support as-a-service to active involvement of stakeholders in negotiating for adequate preparedness, appropriate holistic information management (including indications on gaps as well as critics of appropriateness for action), post-desaster aftermath documentation, analysis and multi-stakeholder consecutive active participation in Risk Governance.

The main Goal
of this Community of Experts is to
        • support the relevance of MBJ for society at large and for specific stakeholder engagement
        • indicate on the special role of MBJ in mediating
        • promote methods for providing objective/trustworthy information to all actors
        • promote MBJ best practice as well as
        • elaborate and offer training to MBJ experts
        • indicate on gaps in MBJ-related aspects of local/national implementations of UN instruments
          (e.g. advocate for MBJ representatives in UN SENDAI Framework national Platforms)
        • take active part in UNDRR global and regional conferences
        • support stakeholders’ active role in participative governance in RISK domains


  1. UNDRR SENDAI Framework
  2. UN SDGs, 2030 Agenda
  3. UN FCCC, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 
  5. EU Seveso-III-Directive (2012/18/EU)
  6. EU Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence